
FAQ for Admin menus

Page history last edited by LiveGiving support 11 years, 6 months ago

Frequently Asked Questions for Administrator of a Video Site



I saw a few errors in "Payments and Donations" menu. What the Error message means?


The Error message in the "Status" column means that the payment process has failed and has not been completed by the client.



Several causes may conduct to display error messages: the client has changed his mind and have canceled his payment, the payment process has been interrupted, the client made a test and didn't intend to really make the payment .....

Tip: We recommend to you to contact the client by Email, for helping him to complete the payment process.

If the client is a registered user or insert his full name and Email at the beginning of the payment process, you can get his Email address by exporting the CSV file at the top of the page.


What is the meaning of  the numbers displayed besides the tags in  the index page? ( not related to all plans)



The number beside the tag is about the number of videos that will be displayed with the specific tag, after the videos have been checked to be displayed in the index page


How to export the email addresses of registered user to a file?


Go to the Admin menu and click on the left side: " SUBSCRIBERS AND ACCOUNTS"

Select the range of date required.

note: to display all the subscribers, check a range of date from the launch of your Video Site until now.




At the top of the page, click on the link: " Export as a CSV file Excel compatible "


Save the CSV file on your computer and open it with your Office software or import the email addresses in your email service.




Someone has subscribed to my Video Site, it  seems to be a spammer: is there a way to remove this user?


Go to the Admin menu and click on the left side: " SUBSCRIBERS AND ACCOUNTS"

Search the user you want to remove in the table, and click on the delete button in the last column.


note: for displaying all the subscribers, check a range of date from the launch of your Video Site until now.

If you are not successful with this, export all the subscribers in an Excel file and search the user account to remove. Select the creation date of the account, then go back to the page "SUBSCRIBERS AND ACCOUNTS" and select the exact range of dates when the user account has been created.






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