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FAQ for your FREE Video Site

Page history last edited by LiveGiving support 13 years, 1 month ago

Frequently Asked Questions



How do I sign up for a Free Video Site?


Complete the application form found on the signup page: http://bit.ly/signup-for-a-free-video-site.

The Livegiving team will review your application. When approved, our team will create your video site.


What types of videos do you support?


Three (3) options are available:

Option 1: Add videos directly from your Youtube channel, by inserting a video link.  The LiveGiving system imports all the data from Youtube.


Option 2: Add the path of a flash video hosted in your server (AWS, Akkamai...), a video platform (Brightcove, Ooyala, Kaltura..), or free services like blip.tv.


Option 3: Insert the embed code for any video on the Internet  (Vimeo, CNN, Video Platform..) in your free Video Site.


How does my Video Site generate revenue?


Create and design projects showing donation opportunities and display them on your video site. Make them current by constantly producing updated videos about the dynamics and development of the project. Send us details about your Paypal account in order to receive donations from any project page of your new Video Site.

Saleable projects can also include products and services such as DVDs, books, T-shirts, subscriptions....


What payments methods does LiveGiving Video Site accept?


We use PayPal to process all our payments. Paypal allows for secure payments by bank or by any credit card (Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover). Your PayPal account will receive all donations, subscriptions and other financial transactions.


How many donations can I expect to receive?


Clearly it's impossible to predict the volume of donations because many variables affect donor motivation and activity. Some of the variables are a function of the presentation of the videos such as type of content, video quality, number of new videos created, choice of projects, number of visits to the site and a myriad of other elements that must all be taken into account. Try your free Video Site out for a couple weeks, consult our Wiki to improve your Video Site's performance and see the results for yourself.


How often do we get paid?


You are direct recipients of all financial transactions, donations and sales  payments via your Paypal account. Information about payments is recorded in the Admin menu of your free Video Site.


Are there any charges or fees associated with setting up or administering the Video Site?


No, we do not charge for this service. We share revenues generated directly from the Video Site at a rate of 10% (+ relevant taxes) of all funds generated directly by the site..


How will we pay you for your commissions?


We get paid monthly. So, for example, you will pay us for the entire month of November (11/1/2010 - 11/30/2010) by the 15th of December, which is to say, within 15 days. We’ll send you a report and relevant invoice with all the payments recorded in the LiveGiving Video Site and you will transfer the payment to our Paypal account.

We also support manual bank transfers by issuing an invoice after checkout.

Contact our sales team for more information.


Does the Video Site work with custom players?


Yes. If you have a specific question, please contact us. We will try our best to assist you.


Do you run Video Site in languages other than English or French?


No, we are working on the development of new languages. Please contact us; we will try our best to assist you.


How can I upload a video to my Video Site?


For uploading a  video to our servers you have to upgrade to the Premium plan: http://livegiving.tv/plans.php

or contact sales department

Meanwhile, you can upload a video to a free video sharing (YouTube, Blip.tv, Vimeo  etc...) and add the link or the embed code to your free Video site.

See this page for different example: http://demo.mymuseum.tv/categories.php


I need technical help with my Video Site. Where should I go?


Check the Livegiving Video Site WIKI and tutorials. If you still can't find an answer, email us and we'll get back to you within two business days.


The Video Site isn't exactly what I'm looking for. Do you have other options?


Yes. We also work with streaming of live events, Pay per View videos, dedicated server, customized web design and professional services. To discuss, please contact sales.


Does LiveGiving have an API for integration into my product or website?


Not yet. We are working on it and we’ll contact all our customers when it will be finished.


Is your reporting real-time?


Reporting of clicks and revenue is handled almost immediately and is available to you on the admin menu of your Livegiving Video site.

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