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Tips for powerful titles of videos

Page history last edited by LiveGiving support 14 years, 7 months ago


From Ustream.tv : http://www.ustream.tv/helpcenter/shownaming#id3


In order to help others find shows to their liking and also to help you get more viewers, we'd like to introduce you to some tips and tricks for properly describing what your show and video(s) are about. When users try to find a specific event or topic, Ustream has no other choice but to rely on information provided by you, since the streams are live, and videos are too many for us to review one by one.

Think of how you'd start looking for a specific live or recorded video on Ustream ( or the Internet in general ) and try to aim for using the same or similar words when providing information on your own media. It helps users find you, it drives viewers to the show, Ustream will be easy to navigate, it's a win-win-win situation.

Show Titles

  • Try to provide a short, on-topic and meaningful title
  • Don't just aim for impact, made-up words are only fun if people already know about your 'brand'
  • Include words you'd search for when looking for such a show
  • If there are important names, words and places associated with the stream, use them as well
  • Show title Examples: Radio WXZY, Internet Stream / Live Music at Club Sunrise


Show Descriptions

  • Try to provide a meaningful, on-topic description on the theme or topic(s) of the show
  • Again, think of the words, phrases, names you'd look for if you wanted to watch such a live stream
  • If you're aiming for the most new viewers, cram in synonyms ( Live music, gig, show, etc. )
  • For personal, random shows: providing a generic outline ( such as atmosphere, interests ) is suitable
  • Provide at least one complete sentence, as your description might be decisive when users browse Ustream
  • 1-3 sentences is enough, but you can write as much as you'd like


Show Categories and Tags

  • Don't be lazy with categories, this information is still the backbone of the Internet
  • Pick a few that you feel suit you the most
  • Stay 'conservative' on this one, inside jokes don't work well
  • If there's only a single category or tag you feel that fits, that should suffice
  • Popular but off-topic tags won't get you any more viewers


Video Titles

  • Try to provide a short, on-topic and meaningful title
  • Start with the most important aspects, leave editorial comments to the end
  • Include words you'd search for when looking for such a video
  • Video title examples: John Smith Interview on Web 2.0 / Ipod OS 3.0 review, 2009


Video Descriptions

  • As with shows, aim for a meaningful and on-topic description of what can be seen on the video
  • Remember that this is THE highlight when it gets on the homepage!
  • If there are more aspects to the video, try to describe them all
  • Include words you'd look for yourself when trying to hunt down online media on the topic

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